Shop Policies

Small prints (8.5"x11" and under) are sent backed in cardboard marked "do not bend" via USPS parcel post, with an estimated delivery time of 5-7 business days. Large format prints are sent rolled in a cardboard shipping tube (also via USPS with a shipping time of 5-7 business days).

The utility bags are sent via USPS parcel post, with an estimated delivery time of 5-7 business days.

Due to current pandemic and the expensive nature of international shipping we are only receiving orders from the US. Hopefully soon we can expand our shipping to the rest of this beautiful world.

We guarantee that all items reach the post office intact (we would never send a damaged item, or send an item in damaged packaging). Unfortunately we cannot be held responsible for damage incurred in transit. If an item is damaged in transit, please contact the post office for proper protocol or retributive payment. Due to the hand-printed nature of our screenprints, minor variation from image to image should be expected.

Refunds and Exchanges
If you are unhappy with your item and would like to return it, simply ship back to us. Upon receiving the item, we'll promptly refund your money (minus shipping fee). If you would like to make an exchange, send the item back to us and we'll send you a replacement.